PhysioControl CR2*
Product Highlights
The Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator uses simple graphics, voice instructions, and automated features to improve rescue and reduce delays. It is the only AED that allows chest compressions during electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm analysis, reducing pauses between CPR and defibrillation. Once CPR begins, the device utilizes cprINSIGHT technology to analyze and detect if a shock is needed automatically. With Wi-Fi connectivity, emergency professionals can obtain a clear picture of the cardiac arrest before arriving on the scene, allowing them to be as prepared as possible for rescue upon arrival.
Physio-Control LIFEPAK CR2 AED (in your choice of semi-automatic or fully-automatic)
Handle & Case option
QUICK-STEP adult/child pacing/ECG/defibrillation electrodes (with 4-year warranty)
LIFEPAK CR2 AED Lithium Battery
Owner's Manual
USB Cable
8-Year Warranty from Physio-Control
1 CPR Response Kits: Includes the necessary items to help prepare the patient and rescuer for CPR and the use of an AED. Bag color may vary.
1 Physician's Prescription: FDA requires all AEDs have a physician's prescription.
1 AED Check Tag: Use to note battery and pad expirations and regular monthly checks.
*We are recommending clients place AED orders as soon as possible to get the order in queue for fulfillment. All AEDs and supplies are on nationwide backorder, and orders are being fulfilled on a 1st come 1st serve basis.